
Friday, March 11, 2011

Shopping Addiction! Une Vraie Maladie ???

English will follow !                     

Flâner dans les boutiques, toucher, admirer, essayer, déincher LA perle, dépenser un peu (ou beaucoup) d'argent : pour la plupart d’entre nous, shopping rime avec détente et légèreté !
Mais pour certaines "serial shoppeuses", la relation au lèche-vitrine n’est pas si simple : accro aux bonnes affaires, fétichiste des chaussures ou encore adepte des achats sur Internet…A vos commentaires ...etes Vous Une Shopping addict ??

Omniomania, compulsive shopping (or what's more commonly referred to as shopping addiction), is perhaps the most socially reinforced of the behavioral addictions.
We are surrounded by advertising, telling us that buying will make us happy. We are encouraged by politicians to spend as a way of boosting the economy. And we all want to have what those around us have –- consumerism has become a measure of our social worth.

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